
Stop thinking out of the box – start thinking in and around the Etheclo box

This product is part of navify® Sample Tracking

The Etheclo Smartbox is a safe, sustainable & smart monitored transport-packaging for first- & last mile of temperature sensitive goods, like your samples.

The sensor in the etheclobox communicates with Etheclomonitor. It allows an E2E monitoring of the temperature in an individual Etheclobox (even inside a fridge, freezer, etc.) that can be used for reporting, altertinc, etc. The monitoring can be cloud-based, app-oriented or integrated with navify® sample tracking.

Etheclo Smartbox

An E2E monitored reusable passive isothermal box


A passive reusable box

The Etheclobox is a passive, reusable and end of life recyclable isothermal box for the collection and transportation of temperature sensitive goods.

In combination with the right number of adapted eutectic plates, correctly positioned in the box, it guarantees that the temperature inside the Etheclobox remains for a predermined number of hours (up to 36) within the correct temperature range

Eutectic plates

Our eutectic plates will, in combination with the isothermal characteristics of the Etheclobox assure a correct respect of the coldchain within the Etheclobox Eutectic plates have to be frozen (24hours @-18°C) to charge them as 'cold batteries'.


The in the Etheclobox integrated sensor will permanently register the temperature within the box- other parameters like humidity, shock, can easily be added.

Etheclomonitor is cloud based, automated reading of the sensordata can be done with a Gateway, but also ad-hoc readings for a specific box or limited volumes is possible via Etheclomobile

Startus Insights analyzed 258 Internet of Things startups. According to them, Etheclo offers one of the top 5 solutions, in addition to Kizy Tracking, Beam Tracking, Samsara, and Eyedentify. Be sure to check out their Global Startup Heat Map!

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