navify® Monitoring | Case Study

Improving lab operations with navify Monitoring: OLV’s success story

Strengthening lab efficiency and collaboration through real-time monitoring and enhanced communication.

navify® Monitoring | Case Study

Improving lab operations with navify Monitoring: OLV’s success story

Strengthening lab efficiency and collaboration through real-time monitoring and enhanced communication.


Due to the scaling of the operation, the complexity and frequency of issues were increasing in the lab. Lab management and lab operations needed to re-invent their ways of working to face this challenge. Lab technicians and team leads were struggling to resolve complex issues as they lacked sufficient visibility into the context. The investigation process was not obvious to lab staff, and important indications for lab operations were being monitored in different tools and scattered locations. This lack of visibility hindered collaboration and the ability to quickly identify root causes.


To address these challenges, OLV implemented navify Monitoring, a browser-based, on premise solution designed to improve operational effectiveness through real-time monitoring of KPIs, events, and alerts within the lab. This tool provided lab technicians with insights and situational awareness, enabling them to make faster and more informed decisions. It also allowed for a shared view of lab goals and issues, facilitating collaboration.

About Customer

OLV logo

  • Onze-Lieve-Vrouwziekenhuis (OLV Hospital) is located in Belgium.
  • The main campus is located in the city of Aalst between Ghent and Brussels.
  • High-quality care is the top priority and as such they continually invest in new technology.
  • Processes 2000 samples per day.

“The monitor is on a really big screen, so everyone can see it from all the corners of the room.”

Inger Brandt
OLV Lab Manager


OLV lab experienced several benefits after implementing navify Monitoring:

1. Immediate problem identification:

Before navify Monitoring, they could only retrieve retrospective data, limiting their ability to address issues in real-time. With the solution, they can now see problems as they occur, allowing for quicker resolution and preventing further consequences.

2. Faster issue interpretation:

The real-time monitoring capability of navify Monitoring enables OLV to see samples and their locations in real time. This helps to interpret issues faster and identify potential areas of Improvement.

3. Improved collaboration:

With the tool providing a shared view of lab performance from all corners, collaboration among lab staff has significantly improved. This enhanced working dynamic has led to increased operational efficiency and effectiveness.

4. Enhanced communication:

The team recognizes the significant potential of communicating lab performance via navify Monitoring, which holds importance not just within the lab, but also in effectively keeping other crucial stakeholders such as directors, IT department, and commercial lab management well-informed. Additionally, lab managers can foresee potential issues, illustrate problems to seek support, and inspire innovative ways to manage operations.

Conclusion: Overall, navify Monitoring has played a crucial role in streamlining the lab operations, enabling OLV to tackle challenges more effectively and improve overall performance.

“The production monitoring is helpful, because we can see on the monitor when a sample goes in overtime, and you can see the exact location. You can interfere pretty fast.”

Inger Brandt
OLV Lab Manager


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