
Achieving greater operational efficiency in your lab. How to do more with less

In our on-demand webinar series, laboratory leaders and Roche experts share how digital solutions can help unlock new heights of laboratory operational efficiency.

Laboratories are under increasing pressure to deliver maximum efficiency without sacrificing quality. In this demanding environment, digital solutions are helping to elevate both laboratory operational efficiency and potential.

TAT reduction achieved at CGMH with support of navify Analytics

How digital solutions help high-performing labs to do more with less

Our mini-webinar series – approximately 10 minutes each – presents practical examples of how laboratories across the globe are implementing digital solutions and seeing profound results*. Each webinar focuses on a specific aspect of laboratory operational efficiency.

Real-word use cases in laboratory operational efficiency

Reducing sample turnaround time by 80% leveraging operational analytics

<b>Mr. Chi-Jui Lin</b><br />Laboratory manager at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Tucheng</br>

Mr. Chi-Jui Lin
Laboratory manager at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Tucheng

<b>Mara Magni</b><br />Customer Success Manager APAC at Roche</br>

Mara Magni
Customer Success Manager APAC at Roche

Analytics provide transparency into laboratory operations and can identify opportunities for improvement.

In this mini-webinar, you will learn how the Department of Laboratory Medicine at New Taipei Municipal Tucheng Hospital in Taiwan reduced sample turnaround time by 80% through implementing navify Analytics. Listen to the conversation between Mr. Lin, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Tucheng Lab Director, and Mara Magni from Roche’s Customer Success Management team. Watch now.

Embracing digitization to do more with less in the laboratory

<b>Mayur Sabhani</b><br />Group director at Burjeel Holdings</br>

Mayur Sabhani
Group director at Burjeel Holdings

How did Burjeel Holdings in UAE achieve a 46% reduction in sample turnaround time and a 69% reduction in manual tasks?

Mayur Sabhani, group director at Burjeel Holdings, shares his team’s experience on how transitioning to more digital lab processes helped deliver tremendous results. Watch now.

Laboratory operational efficiency: experts opinion

Improving laboratory workflow for greater efficiency

<b>Adam Millard</b><br />Customer Success Manager (EMEA) at Roche</br>

Adam Millard
Customer Success Manager (EMEA) at Roche

A tremendous increase in testing numbers means laboratories must run as efficiently and effectively as possible. Hear from Adam Millard from Roche’s Customer Success Management team on how a cycle of planning, implementation, tracking and review can lead to optimal workflows. Watch now.

Optimizing the use of reagents and QC for better throughput

<b>Thibault Sabattier</b><br />Customer Success Squad Lead at Roche</br>

Thibault Sabattier
Customer Success Squad Lead at Roche

Various constraints within the lab make optimal use of material, resources and time critically important. In this episode, Thibault Sabattier reviews how analyzers can be balanced for greater efficiency,  helping optimize reagent consumption and quality controls. Watch now.


Access our on-demand webinar series on how laboratory leaders and Roche experts reveal how digital solutions can elevate your lab’s efficiency to new heights.


Learn from our customer: how they improved their lab efficiency with the help of navify Analytics

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How digital technologies can help achieve operational excellence in the lab

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navify Analytics for Core Lab

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*Results are dependent upon each laboratory and their specific configurations and workflows and therefore, may not be reproducible.